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Blog Posts Tagged Technical Content

Model Vortex Lattice Formation in a Bose–Einstein Condensate

November 17, 2020

Bose–Einstein condensation can cause superfluidity, superconductivity, lasers, and trapped dilute cold atoms. When such systems are subjected to rotating perturbation, it forms a vortex lattice.

Accelerating Model Convergence with Symbolic Differentiation

October 29, 2020

Whenever you set up and solve a nonlinear problem in COMSOL Multiphysics, a symbolic differentiation engine is automatically used to ensure high robustness and accelerate model convergence.

3 Examples of Modeling Transitions for Rectangular Waveguides

October 20, 2020

Waveguide to planar, coaxial to waveguide, and rectangular to elliptical: These 3 different transitions for rectangular waveguides can be modeled using COMSOL Multiphysics® and the RF Module.

Modeling Sound Transmission Loss Through a Concrete Wall

October 7, 2020

The sound loss transmission (STL) through a building component is the logarithmic ratio between the total incident power on the structure relative to the total transmitted power.

Equation-Based Modeling with a Space-Time Discretization

September 24, 2020

In COMSOL Multiphysics®, almost any expression in a computational model can be modified. For example, using a space-time discretization can make optimization problems easy and fast to implement.

Exploring the Ambiguity of Hardness Numbers with COMSOL®

September 22, 2020

To help customers easily obtain stress-strain curves from indentation test data, this guest blogger turned to simulation applications and COMSOL Compiler™ — and created a brand new product.

Course: Modeling Joule Heating with Thermal Expansion

September 15, 2020

Get an overview of the course on Joule heating and thermal expansion. Plus, access supporting material.

Estimating Hyperelastic Material Parameters via a Lap Joint Shear Test

September 3, 2020

For rubber, polymers, and biological tissue, the relationship between stress and strain is nonlinear, even at small loads. The lap joint shear test can be used to determine material properties.