La Galleria delle Applicazioni raccoglie un'ampia varietà di tutorial e di app dimostrative realizzati con COMSOL Multiphysics in diversi ambiti applicativi, inclusi quelli elettrico, meccanico, fluidico e chimico. E' possibile scaricare i file dei modelli e delle app demo pronti all'uso e le istruzioni step-by-step per costruirli, e utilizzarli come punto di partenza per le proprie simulazioni.

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Multibody Dynamics Modulex

Modeling Vibration in an Induction Motor

In the Vibration in an Induction Motor tutorial model, eddy currents are induced in the rotor by time-harmonic currents in the stator windings and rotation of the rotor. Induced currents in the rotor interact with the magnetic field that is produced by the coils to generate the driving ... Per saperne di più

Mechanism Submerged in Fluid

This example illustrates the modeling of a multibody mechanism submerged in fluid. The mechanism considered here consists of two fins connected to a central rigid body through hinge joints. A transient fluid-structure interaction problem is solved to simulate the swimming behavior where ... Per saperne di più

Modeling Vibration and Noise in a Gearbox

A gearbox is used to transfer power from an engine to its associated wheels or cogs, which can result in radiating noise to the surroundings. This is due to the transmission of undesired lateral and axial forces on the bearings and housing, while transmitting power from one shaft to the ... Per saperne di più

Three-Cylinder Reciprocating Engine

In this example, a dynamic analysis of a three-cylinder reciprocating engine is performed to investigate stresses generated during operation, thereby permitting identification of the critical components. Demand for high power output relative to the weight of the engine requires careful ... Per saperne di più

Modeling Vibration and Noise in a Gearbox: Bearing Version

This example is an extension of a model used to study the vibration and noise in a 5-speed synchromesh gearbox in a manual transmission vehicle. In this version of the model, a detailed representation of a roller bearing is used instead of hinge joints with elastic stiffness. First, the ... Per saperne di più

Lumped Model of a Vehicle Suspension System

In this example, a lumped model of a vehicle suspension system having 11 degrees of freedom is analyzed. The Mass, Spring, and Damper nodes of the Lumped Mechanical System interface are used to model the wheels, including suspension system as well as the seats with a passenger. The ... Per saperne di più

Lumped Model of a Human Body

Several mass–spring–damper models have been developed to study the response of a human body where mass, spring, and damper elements represent mass of different body parts, stiffness, and damping properties of various tissues. In this example, a lumped model of a human body having five ... Per saperne di più

Double-Pendulum Dynamics

This tutorial application demonstrates the modeling of a hinge joint between two bodies in COMSOL Multiphysics. Various nodes available for joints such as Constraints, Locking, Spring, Damper, Prescribed Motion, and Friction are also demonstrated. Many real structures can be ... Per saperne di più

Andrew's Squeezing Mechanism

This is a benchmark model for rigid body dynamics. This model simulates the dynamic behavior of "Andrew’s squeezing mechanism", which is force driven and requires a very small time scale. Various angles in the mechanism are compared with the results from the reference. Per saperne di più

Dynamics of a Cylindrical Roller Bearing

Bearings are used in machines to reduce the friction between moving parts and thereby smooth their relative motion. Rolling element bearings are one of the most widely used bearings, where rolling elements or rollers are used to support the load. These rollers can be of different shapes; ... Per saperne di più

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