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General Blog Posts

What Is the Curl Element (and Why Is It Used)?

December 30, 2019

When solving some electromagnetics problems, the curl element (also called the edge element or vector element) can be used in the finite element method.

Using Web Browser Translation Tools for COMSOL Documentation

December 12, 2019

COMSOL documentation includes a lot of helpful information. Most web browsers include an automatic translation tool that enables you to read the documentation in the language of your choice.

How to Use the Load Plots in Structural Analyses

December 4, 2019

You can use the load plots available in the COMSOL® software to get the best possible visualization of the loads acting on your structural mechanics models in various situations.

Efficiently Distribute Lightweight Compiled Applications

December 3, 2019

Have you ever tried to send an email but the attachment was too large? COMSOL Compiler™ has an option that reduces the file size of standalone applications for more efficient distribution.

How to Use the Platonic Solids as Geometry Parts in COMSOL®

November 18, 2019

The Platonic solids, named after Plato, are regular, convex polyhedra that consist of the tetrahedron, cube, octahedron, dodecahedron, and icosahedron.

Performing a Shape and Topology Optimization of a Tesla Microvalve

November 15, 2019

1 Tesla microvalve model, 2 ways: The shape optimization features available in COMSOL Multiphysics enable you to improve simple designs inspired by more complex topology optimization results.

Estimating Parameters for a Li-Ion Battery via a Lumped Model

October 24, 2019

When performing an electrochemical analysis on a battery, an engineer might not have all of the information from the manufacturer. The solution? Parameter estimation via a lumped model…

How to Use Solver Suggestions in Acoustics Modeling

August 30, 2019

When you model large, industry-scale acoustics, ever find it challenging to efficiently solve the problem with the hardware at hand? Enter the solver suggestions in COMSOL Multiphysics®.