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RF & Microwave Engineering Blog Posts

Fostering the Development of the 5G Mobile Network

May 18, 2016

To meet the specific performance requirements of the ideal 5G wireless network, there are certain RF designs that engineers can consider to transform such technology into a reality.

Model Cables and Transmission Lines in COMSOL Multiphysics

February 9, 2016

Learn how to compute the parameters of a coaxial cable from a COMSOL Multiphysics® simulation of the electromagnetic fields.

Simulation Improves Electromagnetic IED Detection Systems

November 26, 2015

To better understand the ground-penetrating radar technique and improve its accuracy for detecting landmines and other IEDs, researchers studied electromagnetic detection for subsurface objects.

Studying a Dielectric Probe Used for Skin Cancer Diagnosis

November 9, 2015

Noninvasive tools like dielectric probes are a promising method for diagnosing skin cancer as early as possible. Learn about how simulation can be used to analyze their functionality and safety.

Investigating Wireless Power Transfer with Simulation

October 21, 2015

Some wireless power transfer (WPT) technologies must be oriented in a certain way to ensure proper performance. Simulation can be used to study and optimize these devices.

Should We Model Graphene as a 2D Sheet or Thin 3D Volume?

August 4, 2015

Graphene is a 2D sheet of carbon atoms that is 1 atomic layer thick. However, is graphene actually 2D or is it just incredibly thin, like a very fine piece of paper? How should it be modeled?

How to Adapt the Real World for Electromagnetics Simulations

July 1, 2015

Using an example of a biconical antenna in an anechoic chamber, we discuss how to closely mimic the conditions of real-world environments in your electromagnetics simulations.

Guide to Frequency Domain Wave Electromagnetics Modeling

June 30, 2015

Read this blog post for your introduction to the various types of problems that you can solve in the RF and Wave Optics modules with COMSOL Multiphysics®.