La Galleria delle Applicazioni raccoglie un'ampia varietà di tutorial e di app dimostrative realizzati con COMSOL Multiphysics in diversi ambiti applicativi, inclusi quelli elettrico, meccanico, fluidico e chimico. E' possibile scaricare i file dei modelli e delle app demo pronti all'uso e le istruzioni step-by-step per costruirli, e utilizzarli come punto di partenza per le proprie simulazioni.
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Angle beam ultrasonic units are used for nondestructive testing (NDT) of solid objects, such as metal pipes. They are especially useful for detecting flaws in and around welding areas, such as pores, small cracks, lack of fusion, etc. Angle beam NDT is often used where the straight beam ... Per saperne di più
Numerical modeling of Lamb waves, which belong to guided waves, is essential for the analysis and design of the structural health monitoring (SHM) systems for long range ultrasonic testing. The design of an SHM system based on guided waves consists of two main parts. In the first place, ... Per saperne di più
The use of wave-based techniques for room acoustic simulations has spread in the last years due to the increase in computational performance as well as the development of new numerical methods. The challenge of including realistic impedance conditions at walls is traditionally solved in ... Per saperne di più
Flow over a cavity and the tonal noise generated is a typical flow noise source in piping systems that have valves and other cavities. This tutorial model represents a simple case of cavity flow noise in a ducted system. The model is set up based on an example from Lafon et al. The ... Per saperne di più
In this model, the acoustics of the Small Hall in the Konzerthaus Berlin is simulated with ray tracing. A full study of the room is performed in 1/3-octave bands with 10 pairs of source-receiver positions. The room acoustic parameters are derived from the calculated impulse responses, ... Per saperne di più
This example shows how to model a loudspeaker driver of the dynamic cone type, common for low and medium frequencies. The analysis is carried out in the frequency domain and thus represents the linear behavior of the driver. The model analysis includes the total electric impedance and ... Per saperne di più
Ultrasonic flowmeters determine the velocity of a fluid flowing through a pipe by sending an ultrasonic signal across the flow at a skew angle. When there is no flow, the transmitting time between the transmitter and the receiver is the same for the signals sent in the upstream and ... Per saperne di più
Headphones are closely coupled to the ear, and so it is not possible to measure their sensitivity in a classical acoustic free-field setup used for loudspeakers. The measurement requires the use of artificial heads and ears to accurately represent the usage conditions. This model shows ... Per saperne di più
Helmholtz resonators are used in exhaust systems, as they can attenuate a specific narrow frequency band. The presence of a flow in the system alters the acoustic properties of the resonator and the transmission loss of the subsystem. In this tutorial model, a Helmholtz resonator is ... Per saperne di più
Liquid or gas acoustics coupled to structural objects such as membranes, plates or solids are important applications in many engineering fields. This model is a general demonstration of an acoustic fluid phenomenon in 3D that is coupled to a solid object. The walls of the solid object ... Per saperne di più