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Adding a point on a curve

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Hi all,

I have a curve in my geometry. I want to add a boundary load to the center part of the curve (say 14mm diameter). So I need to draw a boundary for that load. That's why I am thinking maybe I can add a point on that curve so that the distance between the point and the center point is 7mm. But it seems that I cannot click to add a point on the curve directly. Besides, it's too complicated to input the x y values for the point. I wonder if there are other convenient ways to do so?

I am using COMSOL 4.3. The attachment is the snapshot of my curve, the geometry unit is [mm].
Thank you very much!

1 Reply Last Post 27 lug 2012, 09:49 GMT-4
Ivar KJELBERG COMSOL Multiphysics(r) fan, retired, former "Senior Expert" at CSEM SA (CH)

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Posted: 1 decade ago 27 lug 2012, 09:49 GMT-4

indeed an intersting problem. One way could be to add a vertical line and then COMSOL will make a point at the line intersection.

But on the other side, adding a "point" load is a singularity and not really "physical", and numerically shaky, it's better to apply a load on a boundary, or over a short line segment in a 2D case. One way could be to apply a load to a full line segment, but limit it via a Gaussian extent expression, but then you ned to know some coordinates, and normalise correctly

Good luck
Hi indeed an intersting problem. One way could be to add a vertical line and then COMSOL will make a point at the line intersection. But on the other side, adding a "point" load is a singularity and not really "physical", and numerically shaky, it's better to apply a load on a boundary, or over a short line segment in a 2D case. One way could be to apply a load to a full line segment, but limit it via a Gaussian extent expression, but then you ned to know some coordinates, and normalise correctly -- Good luck Ivar

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