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Plasmonic Wire Grating

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Dear friends,

Thanks for concerning my discussion!

To estimate the influence of several metal grating, I am simulating the model of Plasmonic Wire Grating and studied the document of the Tutorial Example.

For TM mode simulation, the x compontents of E0 vectors of Port2, 4, and 6 are "-", minus sign.
I thought that those x components should be plus number, because the direction of refracted light vectors is right(+x)-bottom(-y), so the E0 vector's direction should be right(+ x)-up(+ y) or left(-x)-bottom(-y).
Why only those x components are set to "-" sign.

Thanks everydody for your concerning.

1 Reply Last Post 2 mag 2012, 12:50 GMT-4

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Posted: 1 decade ago 2 mag 2012, 12:50 GMT-4
if I understand your question correctly, it's all the matter of convention. You can invert all the signs which is equivalent to changing phase of the wavefront. But it all doesn't matter for reflectivity/transmission coefficients.
if I understand your question correctly, it's all the matter of convention. You can invert all the signs which is equivalent to changing phase of the wavefront. But it all doesn't matter for reflectivity/transmission coefficients.

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