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Reg:- SHAPE MEMORY ALLOY Behaviour simulation in Comsol 4.2

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Dear sir ,
I have been trying to simulate shape memory effect using electrical current as input in comsol 4.2. I had a problem in giving material properties like coefficient of thermal expansion , electrical conductivity , relative permittivity .. Since Coefficient of thermal expansion, electrical conductivity have two values at two different states (matensite and austenite) can u suggest me how to proceed further and specify me how to give these values.

KrishnaChaitanya S

3 Replies Last Post 15 lug 2016, 01:33 GMT-4
COMSOL Moderator

Hello Krishnachaitanya S

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Posted: 1 decade ago 11 giu 2012, 12:33 GMT-4
It is the same for me. Did you find something?, or do you have a simple model (for exampe, a SMA wire) to share?

It would be very helpful ;-)

It is the same for me. Did you find something?, or do you have a simple model (for exampe, a SMA wire) to share? It would be very helpful ;-) Thanks

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Posted: 1 decade ago 27 set 2012, 11:44 GMT-4

I have not yet simulated the complete behaviour of SMA wire. To my understanding the behaviour is split into three states.

-> Thermal State : Employ Joule heating Physics to obtain a relation between Input current and temperature
-> Phase transformation state : write a differential equation for obtaining temperature Vs phase fraction relation
-> Mechanical state : Write a differential equation to know the strain due to phase transformation.

Krishna Chaitanya S.
Hi, I have not yet simulated the complete behaviour of SMA wire. To my understanding the behaviour is split into three states. -> Thermal State : Employ Joule heating Physics to obtain a relation between Input current and temperature -> Phase transformation state : write a differential equation for obtaining temperature Vs phase fraction relation finally -> Mechanical state : Write a differential equation to know the strain due to phase transformation. Krishna Chaitanya S.

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Posted: 8 years ago 15 lug 2016, 01:33 GMT-4
use Dynalloy INC datasheets available online..
use Dynalloy INC datasheets available online..

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