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spatially dependent refractive index

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I was simulating a response of a structure with an incident plane wave. I am saving the code as m-file and running it from matlab (linked with comsol)

I am trying to define a spatially dependent refractive index for a subdomain. I understand that I can do it in the following manner:

n2_str= '4* ( (x<=200e-9)* (y>=170e-9)*(y<=230e-9)) +1';
% Scalar expressions
fem.expr = {'n1','1', ...
'n2',n2_str, ...

But what if the spatial dependence can not be expressed as any equation form? For example, I have a matrix with 0's and 1's which essentially defines the positions of 2 materials with 2 different refractive indices. What should I do in this case?

And, is it possible to call a matlab function to define 'n2' instead of putting in an expression in the form of a string?


0 Replies Last Post 22 ago 2011, 13:29 GMT-4
COMSOL Moderator

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