Improving Intranasal Drug Delivery to the Olfactory Region Using Magnetophoretic Guidance

J. Xi[1], Z. Zhang[1], X. Si[2], H. Nanda[3], A. Ayoola[3]
[1]Mechanical & Biomedical Engineering, Central Michigan University, Mt. Pleasant, MI, USA
[2]Mechanical Engineering, California Baptist University, Riverside, CA, USA
[3]Calvin College, Grand Rapids, MI, USA
Published in 2014

  1. It is feasible to focus and guide nanoparticles with permanent magnets and ferromagnetic particles to achieve clinically significant olfactory dosages.
  2. With appropriate magnetophoretic guidance and selective drug release, an olfactory delivery efficiency of more than 20% can be achieved.
  3. The optimal particle size range for magnetophoretic guidance is 10−15 µm.
