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Resolution of Comsol Simulations

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I am just wondering what is the minimum resolvable changes in result that we can correctly detect in Comsol.
I would like to change some of the conditions, and study their effect on resonance frequency of cantilever. However, I don't know how to validate the results.

At some conditions, I expect very small change (e.g. 0.001% of the eigenfrequency) in some conditions. I am mainly concerned whether this much resolution is achievable or not.

I appreciate any thoughts.


1 Reply Last Post 6 gen 2012, 06:26 GMT-5
Ivar KJELBERG COMSOL Multiphysics(r) fan, retired, former "Senior Expert" at CSEM SA (CH)

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Posted: 1 decade ago 6 gen 2012, 06:26 GMT-5

you have the numerical resolution of binary number "eps" (try to look at its value in the Parameter section with a

myvar = eps

But that is seldom the limiting one for a full model, mostly it is mesh density related (and shape function value) and then most important: Solver Relative & Absolute Tolerances (both might not apply for all solvers)

My way is to double the mesh and look at the effect, this gives a good first order indication

Good luck
Hi you have the numerical resolution of binary number "eps" (try to look at its value in the Parameter section with a myvar = eps But that is seldom the limiting one for a full model, mostly it is mesh density related (and shape function value) and then most important: Solver Relative & Absolute Tolerances (both might not apply for all solvers) My way is to double the mesh and look at the effect, this gives a good first order indication -- Good luck Ivar

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